Well, it's finally here. The return of Dear Mister Ward to the stage of the Shea Theater in Turners Falls, Mass.
This time we’re bringing some new friends including Zara Bode from The Sweetback Sisters.
There will also be a few new letters and an updated video and intro by yours truly.
Tickets are available here: https://www.dearmisterward.com/event/dear-mister-ward-returns-to-the-shea-theater/
Please note that I’ll be shutting off advance tickets at 3pm tomorrow so I can get to the theater to get ready. Tickets will be available at the door.
After the show please join us for a reception right around the corner at the Five Eyed Fox. They have amazing cocktails and craft beer and are staying open late just for us. So please come, and please tip the bartender.
Thanks to everyone who has already bought tickets and I hope some more of you who are in the Western Mass area will join us as well.